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LURE: show

Recrusively printing table items

Matias Guijarro wrote:

I would like to change the default behaviour of Lua when representing a table through the tostring() function ; I would prefer to have something more like in Python for example (instead of having "table: 0x8062ac0", I would like to see the contents, for example { 1, 2, 3 }).

So first of all I tried to set a new metatable for tables, As Shmuel pointed out, table metatables are per-table, so they don't really work for what you want to do.

Lua 5.1.1  Copyright (C) 1994-2006, PUC-Rio
> Tbl = setmetatable({}, {__tostring = function(t)
>>                                        return "Hello!"
>>                                      end})
> print(Tbl) -- Works for this table,
> print({}) -- but doesn't work for other tables.
table: 0x493378

A way that will work is to simply replace the tostring function itself. Replace it with a function that calls your table-to-string function for tables, and calls the original tostring for everything else. Roberto's Programming in Lua book explains how to write the table-to-string function. (The first edition is available online: As it happens, I happened to write an implementation of just the functionality you're looking for a few days ago. It is below, but I encourage you to try whipping together at least a simple version of your own before looking at mine. - Aaron

This script makes tostring convert tables to a representation of their contents.

The real tostring:

local _tostring = tostring

Characters that have non-numeric backslash-escaped versions:

local BsChars = {
  ["\a"] = "\\a",
  ["\b"] = "\\b",
  ["\f"] = "\\f",
  ["\n"] = "\\n",
  ["\r"] = "\\r",
  ["\t"] = "\\t",
  ["\v"] = "\\v",
  ["\""] = "\\\"",
  ["\\"] = "\\\\"}

Is Str an "escapeable" character (a non-printing character other than space, a backslash, or a double quote)?

local function IsEscapeable(Char)
  return string.find(Char, "[^%w%p]") -- Non-alphanumeric, non-punct.
    and Char ~= " " -- Don't count spaces.
    or string.find(Char, '[\\"]') -- A backslash or quote.

Converts an "escapeable" character (a non-printing character, backslash, or double quote) to its backslash-escaped version; the second argument is used so that numeric character codes can have one or two digits unless three are necessary, which means that the returned value may represent both the character in question and the digit after it:

local function EscapeableToEscaped(Char, FollowingDigit)
  if IsEscapeable(Char) then
    local Format = FollowingDigit == "" and "\\%d" or "\\%03d" .. FollowingDigit
    return BsChars[Char]
      or string.format(Format, string.byte(Char))
    return Char .. FollowingDigit

Quotes a string in a Lua- and human-readable way. (This is a replacement for string.format's q placeholder, whose result isn't always human readable.)

local function StrToStr(Str)
  return '"' .. string.gsub(Str, "(.)(%d?)", EscapeableToEscaped) .. '"'

Quote a string into lua form (including the non-printable characters from 0-31, and from 127-255).

local function quote(_)
  local fmt = string.format
  local _ = fmt("%q", _)
  _ = _)
  _ = string.gsub(_, "\\\n", "\\n")
  _ = _ = string.gsub(_, "[%z\1-\31,\127-\255]", function (x)
  return fmt("\\%03d",string.byte(x))
  return _

StrToStr = quote

Lua keywords:

local Keywords = {["and"] = true, ["break"] = true, ["do"] = true,
  ["else"] = true, ["elseif"] = true, ["end"] = true, ["false"] = true,
  ["for"] = true, ["function"] = true, ["if"] = true, ["in"] = true,
  ["local"] = true, ["nil"] = true, ["not"] = true, ["or"] = true,
  ["repeat"] = true, ["return"] = true, ["then"] = true,
  ["true"] = true, ["until"] = true, ["while"] = true}

Is Str an identifier?

local function IsIdent(Str)
  return not Keywords[Str] and string.find(Str, "^[%a_][%w_]*$")

Converts a non-table to a Lua- and human-readable string:

local function ScalarToStr(Val)
  local Ret
  local Type = type(Val)
  if Type == "string" then
    Ret = StrToStr(Val)
  elseif Type == "function" or Type == "userdata" or Type == "thread" then
    Ret = "<" .. __tostring(Val) .. ">"
    Ret = _tostring(Val)
  return Ret

local function private(str)
  return type(str) == "string" and str:sub(1,1) == "_" end

Converts a table to a Lua- and human-readable string.

local function TblToStr(Tbl, Seen)
  Seen = Seen or {}
  local Ret = {}
  if not Seen[Tbl] then
    Seen[Tbl] = true
    local LastArrayKey = 0
    for Key, Val in pairs(Tbl) do
      if not private(Key) then
        if type(Key) == "table" then
          Key = "[" .. TblToStr(Key, Seen) .. "]"
        elseif not IsIdent(Key) then
          if type(Key) == "number" and Key == LastArrayKey + 1 then

Don't mess with Key if it's an array key.

            LastArrayKey = Key
            Key = "[" .. ScalarToStr(Key) .. "]"
        if type(Val) == "table" then
          Val = TblToStr(Val, Seen)
          Val = ScalarToStr(Val)
        Ret[#Ret + 1] =
          (type(Key) == "string"
            and (Key .. "= ") -- Explicit key.
            or "") -- Implicit array key.
          .. Val
    Ret = "{" .. table.concat(Ret, ", ") .. "}"
    Ret = "<cycle to " .. __tostring(Tbl) .. ">"
  return Ret

A replacement for tostring that prints tables in Lua- and human-readable format:

function tostring(Val)
  return type(Val) == "table"
    and TblToStr(Val)
    or _tostring(Val)

A test function:

local function _tostringTest()
  local Fnc = table.sort --function() end
  local Tbl = {}
  Tbl[Tbl] = Tbl
  local Tbls = {
    {1, true, 3},
    {Foo = "Bar"},
    {["*Foo*"] = "Bar"},
    {[{}] = {}},
    {1, 2, 3, {4, 5}},
  local Strs = {
    "{1, true, 3}",
    '{Foo= "Bar"}',
    '{["*Foo*"]= "Bar"}',
    '{<' .. __tostring(Fnc) .. '>}',
    "{[{}]= {}}",
    "{1, 2, 3, {4, 5}}",
    "{[<cycle to " .. __tostring(Tbl) .. ">]= <cycle to "
      .. __tostring(Tbl) .. ">}",
  for I, Tbl in ipairs(Tbls) do
    assert(tostring(Tbl) == Strs[I],
      "Assertion failed on " .. __tostring(tostring(Tbl)))

return {tests=_tostringTest}