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Keeping a Sample of Alltim@menzies.us |
local the=require "config"
local R=require "random"
local LST=require "lists"
local TILES=require "tiles"
local SK=require "sk"
CreationCreate a watcher that will keep some subset of the watched data. |
local function create( most) return {
most=most or the.sample.most} end
UpdateUpdate a watcher |
local function update(i,x)
if x ~= the.ignore then
i.n = i.n+1
if #i._all < i.most then
i._all[#i._all+1] = x
elseif R.r() < #i._all/i.n then
i._all [ math.floor(1 + R.r()*#i._all) ] = x
end end
return x end
Handy short cut |
local function watch()
local i = create()
return i, function (x) return update(i,x) end end
UpdatesUpdate a watcher
local function updates(t,f,i)
i = i or create()
f = f or function (z) return z end
for _,one in pairs(t) do
update(i, f(one)) end
return i end
dont think this is used. delete? |
local function xadds(samples)
for _,sample in pairs(samples) do
for _,v in pairs(sample._all) do
end end
return v end
Effect size test (non-parametric)Count how often lst2 has smaller or bigger numbers than items in lst1.
For the sake of effeciency, |
local function cliffsDelta(lst1,lst2)
local lt,gt,max=0,0,#lst2
for _,one in pairs(lst1) do
local pos0 = LST.bsearch(lst2,one)
local pos = pos0
while pos < max and lst2[pos] == lst2[pos+1] do pos = pos + 1 end
gt = gt + max - pos
local pos = pos0
while pos > 1 and lst2[pos] == lst2[pos-1] do pos = pos - 1 end
lt = lt + pos end
return math.abs(gt - lt) / (#lst1 * #lst2) > the.sample.cliffsDelta end
Statistical significance test (non-parametric)The bootstrap hypothesis test from 220 to 223 of Efron's book 'An introduction to the boostrap'. |
local function bootstrap(y0,z0)
local function sampleWithReplacement(lst)
local function n() return math.floor(R.r() * #lst) + 1 end
local function one() return lst[n()] end
local out={}
for i=1,#lst do out[i] = one() end
return out
local function delta(y,z)
return (y.mu - z.mu) / (10^-64 + (y.sd/y.n + z.sd/z.n)^0.5)
local function updates(i,lst)
for j=1,#lst do
local x = lst[j]
i.all[#i.all + 1] = x
i.n = i.n + 1
local delta = x - i.mu
i.mu = i.mu + delta / i.n
i.m2 = i.m2 + delta * (x - i.mu)
if i.n > 1 then
i.sd = (i.m2 / (i.n - 1))^0.5 end end
return i
local function create(lst)
return updates({sum=0, n=0,mu=0, all={},m2=0,sd=0}, lst)
local function add(i,j)
return updates( LST.copy(i), j)
local y, z = create(y0), create(z0)
local x = add(y,z)
local tobs = delta(y,z)
local yhat, zhat = {}, {}
for i=1,#y.all do yhat[i] = y.all[i] - y.mu + x.mu end
for i=1,#z.all do zhat[i] = z.all[i] - z.mu + x.mu end
local bigger = 0
for _ = 1,the.sample.b do
if delta(create(sampleWithReplacement(yhat)),
create(sampleWithReplacement(zhat))) > tobs then
bigger = bigger + 1 end end
return bigger / the.sample.b > the.num.conf/100 end
Statistical differenceTwo populations are statistically similar if they differ by less than a trivially small amount; and if they are statistically significantly different. |
local function same(i,j)
return not(cliffsDelta(i,j) and bootstrap(i,j)) end
Rank a set of
local function rank(samples,epsilon,ranker)
local function nth(t,n)
if n<1 then n=1 end
if n>#t._all then n=#t._all end
return t._all[ math.floor(#t._all*n) ] end
local function mid(t) return nth(t,0.5) end
local function iqr(t) return nth(t,0.75) - nth(t,0.25) end
local fmt = string.format("%%2s %s %s %s %%s\n",
local lo,hi= 10^64, -10^64
for _,sample in pairs(samples) do
for _,v in pairs(sample._all) do
lo = math.min(lo, v)
hi = math.max(hi, v) end
table.sort(samples, function(a,b) return
mid(a) < mid(b) end )
ranker or function(i,j) return
same(i._all,j._all) end)
for _,sample in pairs(samples) do
local how=TILES.how(sample._all)
how.lo = lo
how.hi = hi
how.fmt = the.sample.fmtnum
io.write(string.format(fmt, sample.rank, sample.txt or "",
mid(sample), iqr(sample),
TILES.show(sample._all,how))) end end
External Interface |
return {create=create, same=same, update=update,updates=updates,cliffsDelta=cliffsDelta,